Digital Design

Good Morning and welcome on in. These are a handful of examples of what I have done using Adobe products. These products are Photoshop (Photo editing software), InDesign (Pdf. design and layout software), and last but not least, Illustrator ( A logo designing software). 

Photoshop Works


I was asked to colorize old photo


Recolored image using a Recolor feature in photoshop and brush/Reshaped 


Before receiving the photo it was torn by the glue holding it into the album


Fixed the tear and burn marks


I was asked to dehaze and if possable remove the backpack


Of Course I can remove the backpack and not only dehaze but make the colors pop

InDesign Works

San Juan College Center for Workforce Development

Front of Tri Fold Brochure 

Back of Tri Fold Brochure 

Front Desk Sign

These designs where made for the Center For Work Force Development. They were struggling to get foot traffic after moving to there new location on 30th street. The top two designs are tri fold brochures. the design to the left was made to solve the the confusion of where the location of there office is in the building.

Illustrator Works

Same Page Productions 

Rough Sketch

Final Watermark

Same page Productions needed a watermark (near transparent logo at the bottom of photos or videos) to place on throughout their social media posts. Brand was not important to them; they only wanted a unifier for the different media that they were posting on. 


Rough Sketch

Final Logo

This was a logo I made as part of a class project. We were pitted against other classmates posing as rival companies for a real world company. This design was for a real client and proved to be a rather educational experience.